Notice to all stakeholders and clients: Cancellation of face-to-face meetings and education and awareness sessions.

NOTICE TO ALL STAKEHOLDERS AND CLIENTS CANCELLATION OF FACE-TO-FACE MEETINGS AND EDUCATION AND AWARENESS SESSIONS   As you are aware, the President has announced measures in light of COVID-19 to contain the effect and prevent the spread in the country, and it is our responsibility as public and private entities to mitigate the impact of…

High Court dismissed urgent application made by RISC Technology Integration (Pty) Ltd to interdict the B-BBEE Commission from performing its functions

  MEDIA RELEASE DATE: 22 March 2020   The Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Commission (Commission) welcomes the decision of the Gauteng Division of the High Court of South Africa (High Court) to dismiss with cost the urgent application by Risc Technology Integration (Pty) Ltd to interdict the B-BBEE Commission from implementing its decision and…