The Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment
We are established by Section 13B of B-BBEE Act 46 of 2013 and we have jurisdiction throughout the South Africa. We must be impartial and perform our functions without fear, favour or prejudice, in the most cost-effective manner and in accordance with the values and principles mentioned in section 195 of the Constitution. In terms of Section 13E, we are financed from money that is appropriated by Parliament for the B-BBEE Commission, and money lawfully received from any other source. The Auditor-General is mandated to audit our financial records every year.
Section 13F articulates our functions as follows:
- To oversee, supervise and promote adherence to the Act in the interest of the public;
- To strengthen and foster collaboration between the public and private sector in order to promote and safeguard the objectives of broad-based black economic empowerment;
- To receive complaints relating to broad-based black economic empowerment in accordance with the Act;
- To investigate, either on its own initiative or in response to complaints received, any matter concerning broad-based black economic empowerment;
- To promote advocacy; access to opportunities and educational programmes and initiatives of broad-based black economic empowerment;
- To maintain a register of major broad-based black economic empowerment transactions, above a threshold determined by the Minister in the Gazette;
- To receive and analyse such reports as may be prescribed concerning broad-based economic empowerment compliance from organs of state, public entities and private sector enterprises;
- To promote good governance and accountability by creating an effective environment for the promotion and implementation of broad-based black economic empowerment;
- To exercise such other powers which are not in conflict with the Act as may be conferred on the B-BBEE Commission in writing by the Minister; and
- Increase knowledge of the nature and dynamics and promote public awareness of matters relating to broad-based black economic empowerment by implementing education and awareness measures, providing guidance to the public and conducting research on matters relating to its mandate and activities.
To read about Our Vision, click here.