B-BBEE Commission to host a women empowerment conference for awareness on women opportunities and call for companies to increase representation of black women on boards and ownership structures

MEDIA RELEASE   DATE: 16 AUGUST 2018   The B-BBEE Commission will host its first Women Empowerment Conference, with the theme Advancing Women Economic Empowerment through the B-BBEE Act, on 24 August 2018 at Velmore Hotel, Erasmia, Pretoria in Gauteng, from 08:00-14:00, which will be addressed by the Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Rob…

B-BBEE Commission calls for Government and Private Sector to increase number of women on boards and procurement spend from 30% black women owned businesses

MEDIA RELEASE  DATE: 02 AUGUST 2018   The report produced by the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Commission (“B-BBEE Commission”) on the national status and trends on broad-based black economic transformation for 2017 calendar year shows that JSE listed companies have only 38% representation by black people on their boards, with males accounting for 20% while…

B-BBEE Commission makes findings against BEE Matrix SA (Pty) Ltd for non-compliance in issuing B-BBEE verification certificates

MEDIA RELEASE DATE: 13 JULY 2018   The B-BBEE Commission has found that BEE Matrix SA (Pty) Ltd issued B-BBEE certificates contrary to verification procedures and Codes of Good Practice, and BEE Matrix SA (Pty) Ltd has agreed to implement remedial recommendations made by the B-BBEE Commission, which include a full audit of B-BBEE certificates…

Government and other entities are advised to reject B-BBEE Certificates issued by Verification Agencies that are not accredited by SANAS

MEDIA RELEASE DATE: 05 JULY 2018 The B-BBEE Commission advises entities and organs of state to reject B-BBEE certificates that have been issued by verification agencies or professionals who are not accredited by South African National Accreditation Systems (“SANAS”) as such B-BBEE certificates are invalid for lack of authority and mandate to issue them. A…

Minister Davies to Address Annual B-BBEE Commission Conference on Improving State Procurement for Real Economic Empowerment

MEDIA RELEASE DATE: 12 MARCH 2018 MINISTER DAVIES TO ADDRESS ANNUAL B-BBEE COMMISSION CONFERENCE ON IMPROVING STATE PROCUREMENT FOR REAL ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT The Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Rob Davies will address the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Commission’s annual conference that will take place at the Gallagher Convention Centre in Midrand, Gauteng Province,…