Our legislative mandate emanates from the Act, which includes the regulations and the codes. The Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Rob Davies (MP) may from time to time issue notices to clarify or guide the implementation of the Act, and this is done through the Government Gazette.

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Generic Code of Good Practice

The Minister, has announced the release of the revised Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Codes of Good Practice. Minister Davies says the refined Codes symbolise a new beginning in the re-orientation of the transformation policy to focus more on productive B-BBEE and the growth of black entrepreneurs through Enterprise and Supplier Development elements.

B-BBEE Affidavits


Sector Codes Gazetted under Section 9 (1)


Enquiries regarding the above information can be directed to:

B-BBEE Commission
Tel No:  +27 12 394 1535
E-mail: MRamare@beecommission.gov.za

To read about the B-BBEE Regulations, click here.