Understanding a B-BBEE Verification process: A guide for organs of state and public entities
Practice guide 1 0f 2023, Understanding a B-BBEE Verification process: A guide for organs of state and public entities.
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Practice guide 1 0f 2023, Understanding a B-BBEE Verification process: A guide for organs of state and public entities.
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MEDIA RELEASE DATE: 03 FEBRUARY 2023 B-BBEE Commission research survey puts a spotlight on the gains and challenges on implementing Enterprise and Supplier Development Programmes The B-BBEE Commission has released a research report on how Enterprise and Supplier Development (ESD) funds can be implemented effectively for purposes of promoting the development and growth of black-owned…
MEDIA RELEASE DATE: 09 NOVEMBER 2022 THE 2022 PPPFA REGULATIONS HAVE NOT EXEMPTED ORGANS OF STATE AND PUBLIC ENTITIES FROM IMPLEMENTING B-BBEE AS PART OF PREFERENTIAL PROCUREMENT The B-BBEE Commission has noted the newly issued PPPFA Regulations of 2022, and confirms that the Regulations have not removed the obligation for organs of state and…
The B-BBEE Commission will be hosting its annual conference on 01 April 2022 under the theme “Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment, Quo Vadis?”. The 2022 Annual B-BBEE Conference will be officially opened by an address from the Deputy Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition, Ms. Nomalungelo Gina, and the keynote address will be made by…
Call for proposals Ref: BEEC – AC5/010/2021 Improved and Effective Implementation of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act This year marks 18 years of the B-BBEE Act and the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Commission’s (“B-BBEE Commission’s”) annual conference will seek to focus on improving the effectiveness of B-BBEE in South Africa. The B-BBEE…
MEDIA RELEASE DATE: 14 OCTOBER 2021 The B-BBEE Commission appeals to organs of state and public entities to enhance due diligence processes to detect and reject invalid B-BBEE claims made by entities during procurement, licensing, granting of economic incentives, sale of state assets or public private partnership processes to ensure compliance with the B-BBEE…
Following the findings of misrepresentation of B-BBEE status made by the B-BBEE Commission, Vicky Adey Consulting CC has agreed to immediately withdraw from each panel of contractors / service providers of any organ of state or public entity, including the Independent Development Trust, Coega Development Corporation and Department of Education Gauteng Province, which were…